I quite like the traffic noise - it's part of the soundscape. The low rumble of traffic in the background and the twitter of birds in the foreground are a lovely juxtaposition for me.

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Thank you, that's very reassuring. I hoped it wouldn't be too distracting, so I'm really glad you felt it added something to the finished piece.

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Aug 14Liked by Jim Hawkins

Only a few minutes in…it’s not ‘just a soundscape’. They’re never ‘just a soundscape’. Perhaps ‘simply a soundscape’ though that belies the technology and choosing a suitable location. So actually it’s ’a soundscape’. Just saying!!

Also though are care homes aware of them, and social prescribers at GP practices - wonderful for local and less local housebound to access the outdoors

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Oh, that’s a brilliant idea! I’d never have thought of that. Any idea who I should approach about it? Could you put a word in somewhere?

And where else should I record? I’ve not done a soundscape for a while, I think I need to get out and record some over the next few weeks.

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Aug 29Liked by Jim Hawkins

Apologies for late response - so much easier to reply in my head than actually writing it down - not sure whether to blame Apathy, Busy-ness or Covid or probably more simply that I listen whilst out walking so it’s not really safe to message.

I can’t think of any individual contacts now I’ve been retired for a couple of years but https://www.partnersincare.org.uk/ support all care providers in Shropshire - I think fellow follower Nicky was their lead before she ‘emigrated’. Anyway I’d suggest letting them know about your soundscape resource. Jules Lewis at SaTH might find them useful in their Swan rooms too. And the hospice. And the community hospitals.

I think of you when I hear the bells ring in Meole every Thursday evening - we have triple glazing so I could only hear inside if it were recorded!! I wonder if they might speak to you too? The attached photo is on their notice board.

Meanwhile I need to talk to you about the advance care planning experience you had - I volunteer for https://myfuturecare.org/ and fully understand your concerns but also feel strongly that we should record our preferences and advocate whilst we still have capacity, mental and physical, to do so.

That’s all I can remember that I wanted to say for now - which is lucky!

Ps I need to work out how to change my profile pic from a strange series of circles!

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Thank you for this. I'll use those suggestions to start a list of people to whom I can offer the soundscapes.

I couldn't see an attached photo? But the idea of recording Meole's bells is a great one. Could you email me the pic, and I'll get onto it? jimallthetime@gmail.com

And would you talk to me for the podcast about advanced care planning, and why it's important? As a follow-up from my experience?

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Thank you for this. I'll use those suggestions to start a list of people to whom I can offer the soundscapes.

I couldn't see an attached photo? But the idea of recording Meole's bells is a great one. Could you email me the pic, and I'll get onto it? jimallthetime@gmail.com

And would you talk to me for the podcast about advanced care planning, and why it's important? As a follow-up from my experience?

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