Please, listen to the audio linked below?
You may well be aware that BBC local radio - the branch of the media where I’ve worked for most of the last thirty-five years - is going through some major changes right now. This is big stuff, whether or not you’re a BBC local radio listener. If you’re not up to speed with what’s happening, let me know and I’ll do an explanatory post on here.
Among the changes: many long-serving presenters are leaving BBC local radio. Some of them have announced their departure, or marked their last shows, with heartfelt - sometimes heartbreaking - announcements. A case in point is Faye Hatcher, whose twenty-four years at BBC Radio Gloucestershire came to an end on Saturday.
Here’s what she had to say at the start of her show. I’d really appreciate it if you took four minutes to really listen:
Faye Hatcher speaks for a lot of people, on and off air, listeners as well as broadcasters. I’ll have more to say about this issue in the fulness of time. My own future position is uncertain, not least for health reasons, but that’s a story that can wait. Right now, I'd just like you to share Faye’s farewell with others, and comment below if you want to.
Thank you. I hope you have the best week you can.
Having started listening to "local radio" in 1985 (radio Birmingham) before that with my aunt, it is soul destroying to see what has gone on in local radio!
I listened in to Mollie Green's last show on Wm, at which she physically broke down emotionally!
Do these blank faces, paper crunching beaurocrats not realise that "local" radio means Local?
Personally believe it is a change to destroy all local radio, & perhaps has worked!
I No longer listen to Wm, nor Shropshire!
So glad I found Jim again though!😉👍🏻
Thank you for sharing, Jim. Many thousands will miss your voice (as will be the same with Faye) but I’m sure we’ll find many other ways to hear you.