Hello, you …

Thanks for being there. I’m very grateful. And I’d love it if you’d join the Hello You family. How? Read on …

I’m trying to give you something a little different. Hello You is about stuff, and things. People, and stories. Shrewsbury, and Shropshire. Mental health and well-being. History and heritage. Arts, culture and music. Faith, belief and the complexities of life.

I’m a good listener. It’s what I do. And for Hello You, I’m listening to (and talking with) fascinating people, mostly but not always from Shropshire, so that you can hear what they have to say.

There’s still a place, I believe, for public-service local journalism that cares about people. For audio that brings you the voices of people you might not hear from otherwise. For interviews conducted with compassion and empathy. For thoughtful, positive, good-humoured conversations, informed local storytelling, and commentary that’s not afraid to get righteously angry on occasion.

Hello You isn’t a flashy audio production. There are no music stings or theme tunes, no famous guests on Zoom, no forced jokey chats with a producer - I’m my own producer, so that would be weird. No scripts, either. Just me, and you, and people.

There is, though, a Hello You family. Listener Julie first recognised it. Hello You listeners care about things, and they care about each other, too. You can join the Hello You family just by listening, but why not subscribe, to be certain of your seat at the table?

I started Hello You by accident. Listen to the first episode to find out how, and why.

Hello You is mostly a podcast, but I’ll sometimes share with you some writing, or examples of my photography. If you like what I do, it’s highly likely you know someone else who’ll like it, too. So, share it with them, using this handy button?

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Hello You will be free for everyone, for ever. But if you can afford it, why not take out a paid subscription to ensure it stays free, for those who can’t?

Thank you again. Hello You means a lot to me, and I hope it will to you, too.

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It's about stuff, and things. People, and stories. Shrewsbury, and Shropshire. Mental health and well-being. History and heritage. Arts, culture and music. Faith, belief and the complexities of life. Join the Hello You family?


It's about stuff. And things. Shropshire, and further afield. Mental health, music, journalism, media, radio, photography and everything else that resides in my head. Always trying to make the world a better place.