Hello, you. How’re you doing?
You have two Hello You Sunday Supplements to dive into today. This is the first one. It’s a pull-together of links and recommendations especially chosen to divert, amuse and stimulate you alongside your Sunday morning brunch and coffee. Y’know, as usual.
Nothing, though, about the American presidential election.
Everything I have for you to read about Harris v Trump is in Issue 10a. I’ve chosen a stack of cracking pieces that come from voices or perspectives that you might not usually encounter. Not your usual Sunday-talkshow stuffed-shirt talking-heads, but people with deep knowledge of big issues explaining what’s happened, what we can expect and perhaps what we need to prepare for. It’s powerful stuff, and I think you’ll find it interesting.
So, that’s where we are today. Ready to explore?
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Something to listen to while you read
Quincy Jones was, indubitably, The Dude. He passed away this week at the age of ninety-one. So this week's listen while you read is his 1981 album, The Dude
What went right this week
The Earthshot prize revealed its winners, the UK kicked off a four-day week trial, and cancer research took a step forward, plus more good news from the good people at Positive News
Here comes more good stuff. Click, read and share?
'When you’re tired or scared or joyful or worried or content or proud or tearful or laughing or resigned or furious, call your girlfriends'
I never realised that most disposable vapes contain rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, but there's no way of recharging them, so more than 260 million vape batteries are thrown away every year in the UK alone. Don't try this at home. Or anywhere
This awkward fish works harder than you
Sometimes, we can share nice things
Let Me Rock You: Chaka Khan’s ‘I Feel For You’ at 40
Remember Nicola Bulley? Of course. Now, remember any similar cases involving Black missing people? There's a crisis of missing people coverage in UK media
brb, going to New Jersey
‘No gear, all the ideas’: the farming collective offering land to sustainable businesses
‘Nobody should have to choose whether to feed or read’
Incandescent with rage: some disorganised yelling about Thomas Edison
The future of the UK’s public service media (Why am I reminded of the notorious LP The Wit and Wisdom of Ronald Reagan?)
'The real work is in building and sustaining community. It is not separate from our journalism. It should be the foundation of our journalism'
More good stuff in just a moment, but first …
Hello You 71: Chords Crush Cancer
Hello You is about people, and stories. Particularly people in, from and connected to Shropshire. People who are doing good things, people with interesting stories to tell and thoughts to share
In this episode of Hello You, I want you to meet Mark Fielden. You may have met him before, if you’ve been into some of Shrewsbury’s biggest retailers over the last quarter-century, or maybe you’ve been to one of his Chords Crush Cancer fundraising events, supporting Lingen Davies Cancer Care.
Mark’s now written a book about his late mum, whose experiences living with cancer inspired him, and his journey as a fundraiser over the last eight years. You can buy Mark’s book Memories of Margaret at Amazon
Hello You is about people, stories and ‘the complexities of life’. To make sure you don’t miss anything, whether it’s an episode of the Hello You podcast or the Sunday Supplement, why not subscribe? If you really love what I do, you can take out a paid subscription (and I’d be very happy and grateful) but you don’t have to. Hello You will remain free for everyone, for ever. You might just help keep it - and me - going, though
OK, back to your weekly good-stuff round-up!
Robin Hood, morris dances and UFOs: English folklore survey gets post-Brexit reboot
The absolute honour of being called an unfuckable witch
The best-written books on the Booker 2024 shortlist
Who the hell needs a television that's eight feet wide?!
Mmm, shiny!
Nothing to see here. Nope. Nothing to worry about at all
Celebrating a riotous decade in British photography
We're so obsessed with getting an answer ASAP to move to the next thing ASAP that we're willing to sacrifice the beautiful messiness of accidental discovery that actually builds futures
If you read one thing this week, make it this
This week, but as a toastie
Final Thought, à la Jerry Springer
'Meet the world as it is today. Find the world as it is tomorrow. Somewhere along that pathway, you’ll find something waiting for you'
How was that for you?
I hope you enjoyed the Hello You Sunday Supplement, Issue 10. If you have thoughts, questions, suggestions, whatever then leave a comment
And I’m always glad to hear from you
Once again, I’d be thrilled beyond words if you could hit Like on this, or wherever you’ve found it, or both. And my joy would be complete if you would subscribe
… and share Hello You with a friend, colleague or family member
Thank you for being there
Take care of yourself, and take care of the people around you. I hope they’re taking care of you, too
Nice one, Jim. Again.
Thank you for separating the US election analysis. It's still raw for me so I'll probably swerve past 10a.
Carry on, sir.