Hello, you. How’re you doing?
I’ve got a bunch of stuff for you to read that isn’t the usual journalistic sausage-meat. I hope it’ll keep you entertained and occupied through until at least lunchtime. Put the kettle on and some bread in the toaster, and get stuck in?
But first: why not join the Hello You family by subscribing, if you haven’t already?
If you’re new here: the Hello You Sunday Supplement is a weekly delivery of links to articles that I think you’ll find interesting to read whilst enjoying your Sunday morning coffee, or procrastinating about weekend chores.
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Starting off in the customary fashion, with …
Something to listen to while you read
I’d never heard of zarzuela - a Spanish opera genre dating back to the seventeenth century - until I came across some clips on Instagram of the (amazing) soprano Lisette Oropesa recording her new album of zarzuela arias. The album’s now out, and it’s absolutely tremendous! Ideal for a lazy Sunday morning. Turn it up:
What went right this week
A pioneering project to tackle homelessness launched, doctors hailed an asthma breakthrough, and the Swiss said ‘no’ to new motorways, plus more good news from the good people at Positive News
Here comes more good stuff. Please click, read and share?
‘It signifies renewal’: recipients of Sycamore Gap saplings announced
Scrooge Rage: A grave situation in Shrewsbury
Ten incredible activists working to end male violence against women and girls
‘Everyone’s talking about us, no-one’s talking to us’
What exactly is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
Gwen Lally, the World’s Pageant Master (this is fascinating!)
A government by toxic men, for toxic men
Celebrating a riotous decade in British photography
Our news environment has the potential to become very grim indeed (it's grim already, tbh)
Over half of journalists considered quitting due to burnout this year. American research, but still ...
The Third Man at 75: how a bombed-out Vienna helped create a gripping post-war thriller (must watch this film again soon)
More of the good stuff in a moment, but first …
Hello You 74: Dungeons & Drag Kings
‘We regularly get people coming for the first time, they come up to us and say “This is the best night of my life”’
Dungeons & Drag Kings is, says founder Jenn Deere, Shropshire’s ‘first, best and only’ drag troupe.
‘They’re seeing people who are just like themselves being adored, and being successful at it’
They’re also behind a monthly queer cabaret show, which takes place downstairs at Shrewsbury’s Nerdy Café.
‘It’s amazing how vibrant and varied the talent within the queer community is, and how rich Shropshire is with talent’
In this episode of Hello You, you can hear what happened when I went along to the November cabaret show and spoke to the passionate, eloquent Jenn themselves.
Hello You is about people, stories and ‘the complexities of life’. To make sure you don’t miss anything, whether it’s an episode of the Hello You podcast or the Sunday Supplement, why not subscribe? If you really love what I do, you can take out a paid subscription (and I’d be very happy and grateful) but you don’t have to. Hello You will remain free for everyone, for ever. You might just help keep it - and me - going, though
OK, back to your weekly good-stuff round-up!
Shock! The truth about the The Holiday cottage
A Christmas gallery of bizarre LP sleeves
Too Christmassy? OK, here are ten great surf songs
Make bullying in primary school everyone’s concern
It’s perfectly fine to be pissed off at the way things currently are
This is a tremendous idea: A 'Street View' for history
Here’s where everything went to shit
Deepfake apps are getting more popular. Safety for women and girls will not come from another law
Inside Ikea’s thoughtfully designed tiny house
'I don’t know what the fuck I am doing most of the time'
This is so good. Maybe I'm a Gen Z'er in spirit. What Gen Z journalists want news leaders to know
Volunteering is a great way to make friends and be part of your community. But can it help combat loneliness, too?
If you read one thing this week, make it this
‘… the problem that we’re all encountering is shifting joy into competition … I remember the exact moment I realized that I went from asking myself “what books did I like this year” to “how many books do I need to beat my previous goal?”’
Here's What the Fight For Your Attention Really Looks Like
Final Thought, à la Jerry Springer
How was that for you?
I hope you enjoyed the Hello You Sunday Supplement, Issue 13. If you have thoughts, questions, suggestions, whatever then leave a comment
And I’m always glad to hear from you
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Thank you for being there
Take care of yourself, and take care of the people around you. I hope they’re taking care of you, too