Hello, you. How’re you doing? It’s a mild but grey Sunday morning, so put the kettle on because I’ve got a bunch of stuff for you to read and check out that’ll keep you entertained and occupied through until lunchtime.
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Welcome to the Hello You Sunday Supplement, Issue 9
If you’re new here: the Hello You Sunday Supplement is a weekly delivery of links to articles that I think you’ll find interesting to read whilst enjoying your Sunday morning coffee, or procrastinating about weekend chores.
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Starting off in the customary fashion, with …
Something to listen to while you read
Fabiano do Nascimento is a Brazilian jazz guitarist who incorporates samba, African and electronic influences into his music. In other words, the perfect listening for a Sunday. And get this: Chris Taylor’s local not-for-profit live-music organisation SY Gigs is bringing Fabiano to play in Shrewsbury later this month! Details and tickets here but first, check out Fabiano do Nascimento’s latest album The Room:
What went right this week
Wildlife charities kickstarted a huge ‘showcase for nature recovery’, fairytales were shown to inspire healthy eating, and treatment offered a lifeline to brain tumour patients, plus more good news from the good people at Positive News
Here comes more good stuff. Click, read and share?
How the National Trust courageously and entertainingly fought back against the culture warriors. Sunday is a great day to visit a National Trust property. Hint
Five tips for calming the fuck down while the world falls apart
'If you want to know what Halloween has become, this is it: a ward against hopelessness; an uprising of the children; a festival of generosity and laughter in a long dark night'
Talking of witch (see what I did there?), would you rather spend Halloween in Burbank, California, or in this family’s house?
The great newspapers of the world just lost a couple of members (I can't promise I won't include something by Ray Snoddy every single week, such is the stinking, diseased state of the entire bloody media world at the moment)
Keep your chicken cheerful by helping them to learn stuff
Where would we be without our libraries?
Shrewsbury Men’s Shed nominated for Men’s Shed of the Year
Faxsake …
‘How it will end is how it will end,’ but The Cure isn’t over, yet (thank goodness; new album’s great, too)
'As journalists, our job isn’t to protect people from stressful news. But we should consider whether we’re adding to their anxiety'
Empty Airbnbs to be used to house domestic abuse survivors free of charge
Hello You 70: Hello You is One Year Old!
This week’s episode of my podcast Hello You celebrates its first anniversary! Plus, there’s a bench recording from outside Shrewsbury’s Shirehall
Hello You is about people, stories and ‘the complexities of life’. To make sure you don’t miss anything, whether it’s an episode of the Hello You podcast or the Sunday Supplement, why not subscribe? If you really love what I do, you can take out a paid subscription (and I’d be very happy and grateful) but you don’t have to. Hello You will remain free for everyone, for ever. You might just help keep it - and me - going, though
OK, back to your weekly good-stuff round-up!
‘… reaching audiences … supersedes concerns around funding platforms perceived as spreaders of misinformation’. So even though the audience wants them not to, companies will keep advertising alongside hate-powered bullshit. Well, that’s just bloody marvellous, isn’t it?
Ignore the debate over multiculturalism, the UK is already diverse, and we should celebrate that
‘Billionaires, pretty clearly, are not going to save us. Quite the opposite’
‘A self-care date night’: Gen Z and millennials embrace the pleasures of dining alone
Across the UK, a deadly new drug has been linked to 284 fatalities. In Birmingham alone, it killed 21 people last summer. Yet few outside the city noticed
A Christian TikToker takes a deep dive into Islam
I’m grouping the next few links together so if the subject is not your thing, you can scroll on past to more good stuff …
Americans vote for their next president on Tuesday. *sportscaster voice* If you don’t want to know the result, look away now …
A person without empathy can never truly lead a democracy – because power without empathy is a recipe for dictatorship
Harris vs. Trump: gender, power, and the future of America, in astonishing news photographs
American conservative men are 'joking' about repealing women's right to vote
Is this the most misogynistic ad in the history of politics? Probably
No more euphemisms: media gets real on Trump’s MSG ‘hate rally’
Really great piece from photojournalist Dina Litovsky: 'How I approached photographing a Trump rally at Madison Square Garden (and why I got heat for it)'
Election officials are outmatched by Elon Musk’s misinformation machine
OK, that’s enuffa that
Comic Sans has turned 30, and it’s done being your punch line
The final flight of the airline magazine
If you read watch one thing this week, make it this
I love Shrewsbury Folk Festival. You will, too. Just watch this!
Final Thought, à la Jerry Springer
How was that for you?
I hope you enjoyed the Hello You Sunday Supplement, Issue 9. If you have thoughts, questions, suggestions, whatever then leave a comment
And I’m always glad to hear from you
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Thank you for being there
Take care of yourself, and take care of the people around you. I hope they’re taking care of you, too
I am loving the music this week -so chilled