The Hello You Sunday Supplement, Issue 10a
Stuff to read and think about, relating to the US Presidential Election
Hello, you. How’re you doing?
You have two Hello You Sunday Supplements to dive into today. Issue 10 is a pull-together of links and recommendations especially chosen to divert, amuse and stimulate you alongside your Sunday morning brunch and coffee. Y’know, as usual. Nothing, though, about the American presidential election.
Everything I have for you to read about Harris v Trump is right here, in Issue 10a. I’ve chosen a stack of pieces that come from voices or perspectives that you might not usually encounter. Not your usual Sunday-talkshow stuffed-shirt talking-heads, but people with deep knowledge of big issues explaining what’s happened, what we can expect and perhaps what we need to prepare for. It’s powerful stuff, and I think you’ll find it interesting.
So, that’s where we are today. Ready to explore?
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Here we go. And it’s hard to know where to start, but …
… the good news is, no one is going to storm the Capitol
Kamala Harris couldn’t outrun inflation
Why a misogynist won the White House
What a Trump presidency means for millions of migrants and their families in the US, and for Ukraine, the Middle East, China and the rest of the world
The “dark money” linking Donald Trump and the British right
‘Trump isn’t the real danger to America. It’s Elon Musk’
Donald Trump is expected to prioritise the deportation of undocumented immigrants. A deportation regime will rely on all sorts of tech that's already in place: from algorithms that decide who is forced to wear an ankle monitor, to data-brokers that can help law enforcement pinpoint the location of an undocumented migrant. Groups that advocate for migrant rights say these big-data systems give authorities too much power and could lead to abuse
Trump wins, the press loses: A second Trump administration is poised to be devastating to journalism
What could Project 2025 do for (or to) journalism?
‘Death by a thousand cuts’: How Trump could use an authoritarian playbook to go after the media
So what do the press and media do now? Some say ‘we must be at work, but also preparing for war’, others that they’re at war already
Instead of documenting Trump’s political theatre, photojournalists must capture America’s vulnerable reality ... and the causes of it
‘We need to be ready for a new world’
More to read in just a moment, but first …
Hello You 71: Chords Crush Cancer
Hello You is about people, and stories. Particularly people in, from and connected to Shropshire. People who are doing good things, people with interesting stories to tell and thoughts to share
In this episode of Hello You, I want you to meet Mark Fielden. You may have met him before, if you’ve been into some of Shrewsbury’s biggest retailers over the last quarter-century, or maybe you’ve been to one of his Chords Crush Cancer fundraising events, supporting Lingen Davies Cancer Care.
Mark’s now written a book about his late mum, whose experiences living with cancer inspired him, and his journey as a fundraiser over the last eight years. You can buy Mark’s book Memories of Margaret at Amazon
Hello You is about people, stories and ‘the complexities of life’. To make sure you don’t miss anything, whether it’s an episode of the Hello You podcast or the Sunday Supplement, why not subscribe? If you really love what I do, you can take out a paid subscription (and I’d be very happy and grateful) but you don’t have to. Hello You will remain free for everyone, for ever. You might just help keep it - and me - going, though
OK, back to your Harris v Trump round-up …
Far-right Trump supporters celebrate his victory with violent memes and calls for executions (This stuff is absolutely vile. I'd counsel you against reading it, but people need to see it and know about it. Share the link, especially with the people they’re coming for)
'It is an awful thing, how much this country hates women'
Who benefits when laws strip away women’s human rights? The answer is simple: men
The men who swallowed everything
Jews for Trump and Nazis for Trump rubbing shoulders as they celebrated their choice for president encapsulated the contradictions and absurdity of this election (brilliant photographs by Dina Litovsky)
America is a meme stock now
'Try to keep your heart soft, because that will be the work'
‘I’m going to love the hell out of you. All of you. I’m going to love you all the time, but especially when you’re at your most vulnerable.’
If you read one thing this week, make it this
This week, but as a toastie
Final Thought, à la Jerry Springer
'Meet the world as it is today. Find the world as it is tomorrow. Somewhere along that pathway, you’ll find something waiting for you'
How was that for you?
I hope you enjoyed the Hello You Sunday Supplement, Issue 10. If you have thoughts, questions, suggestions, whatever then leave a comment
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Thank you for being there
Take care of yourself, and take care of the people around you. I hope they’re taking care of you, too