Hello, you. How’re you doing?
Welcome to the Hello You Sunday Supplement, Issue 7
Social media’s not what it should be. Algorithms have flattened everything so it’s harder to find stuff to read that’s worth your time. Our newsfeeds are just a slop conduit serving us rubbish and nonsense.
Hence the Hello You Sunday Supplement. It’s a weekly delivery of links to articles that I think you’ll find interesting to read whilst enjoying your Sunday morning coffee.
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The Hello You World Headquarters policy of continuous product improvement continues apace! This week I’m experimenting with ditching the category headings, and just serving up a big ol’ gumbo of online goodness. Dip in and see what you like!
Also, the feature introduced last week at the suggestion of recent podcast guest Karen - ‘If you read one thing this week, make it this’ - has moved elsewhere on the page.
So, Hello You family members, let’s get entertained and informed.
But first: why not join the Hello You family by subscribing, if you haven’t already?
Something to listen to while you read
The latest episode of DJ Honey’s fantastic online show Kiss! Kiss! Bang! Bang! is (as always) packed with incredible r&b, soul, funk and jazz, and 100% female artists too!
What went right this week
The global south’s ‘energy revolution’ got going, the US got a new marine reserve, and debilitating diseases were defeated, plus more good news from the good people at Positive News
Here comes more good stuff
Would you march for clean water?
Well, that's tomorrow night's TV choice sorted
‘Music, friendship, opportunity, freedom’: the rise in clubs and gigs for neurodivergent people
Things it's still totally okay to do. Yes, even at your age
Over two hundred Transgender patients have been refused hormone care by GPs
As Halloween approaches, here are seven 7 places in England connected to witchcraft
Why repairing forests is not just about planting trees
Anna Sacks is 'The Trash Walker'. She's got a hell of a story, and some great advice too. I like her
Hundreds of refugees from Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine faced homelessness in the UK last year
Get ready. Friday is the third International Crisp Sandwich Day
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A thread of pure genius. If this doesn't convince you to join Bluesky, I don't know what will. My favourite, obviously, is the one with Phil Silvers
You won't be alone. Bluesky gains half a million new users in one day after X changes how blocking works
If, like me, you love shows like DNA Family Secrets and DNA Journey, you'll be gripped by this article which raises a number of ethical questions about DNA-powered discoveries
UK and US media are ‘utterly unequipped’ to cope with lying politicians. Oh, and false equivalence is ‘an absolute cancer at the heart of news coverage’
Love books? Love the freedom of reading? You'll love this. As one reader says, 'This is, bar none, the best speech on the power of books and the freedom to read I’ve ever seen'
Hello You 68: Skinny cappuccino, no chocolate
‘We make birth plans, holiday plans, wedding plans, but dying applies to everybody’
Are you ready to have the Important Conversation?
Hello You is about people, stories and ‘the complexities of life’. To make sure you don’t miss anything, whether it’s an episode of the Hello You podcast or the Sunday Supplement, why not subscribe? If you really love what I do, you can take out a paid subscription (and I’d be very happy and grateful) but you don’t have to. Hello You will remain free for everyone, for ever. You might just help keep it - and me - going, though.
OK, back to your weekly good-stuff round-up!
The new fascism: Local authorities and the police are facing a globally organised far right they barely understand
A good reason to find better friends
‘Anyone who sees themselves as empowering their children to create a more just and equitable world should want to conscientiously help their children see and understand the complexity of the world we live in’ - Risks v Harms: Youth & Social Media
Music and dementia: how songs can help sufferers
Philip Flip Collier's photographs of New York City in the late Seventies are windows in time for us all to savour
'Climate change is to blame': England suffers one of its worst harvests on record
What does nature-friendly farming look like?
'Here’s what Trump said: “I tell you what I love. I love cows. But if we go with Kamala you won’t have any cows anymore.”'
Scoring the press coverage of Keir Starmer’s first 100 days
TV used to dominate my life
This is pretty wild: The '#1 restaurant in Austin, Texas' doesn't exist
‘We leave viewers smarter’: fears over plans to close ‘world’s most highbrow’ TV station
Why yes, I am disproportionately excited about this, and this too
Take Trumpist threats to jail journalists seriously (and keep an eye on his acolytes in the UK, for when they start to suggest anything similar)
You're A Thing of the Past, Old Dear - The legacy of Marie Lloyd
Love inspiring audio? Get a fresh new delivery of it every week by following me on Spotify or Apple Podcasts
If you read (watch!) one thing this week, make it this
The world according to your mum doing the washing
Final Thought, à la Jerry Springer
'Climate change will manifest as a series of disasters viewed through phones with footage that gets closer and closer to where you live until you're the one filming it' - Perthshire Mags
How was that for you?
I hope you enjoyed the Hello You Sunday Supplement, Issue 7. If you have thoughts, questions, suggestions, whatever then leave a comment
And I’m always glad to hear from you
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Thank you for being there
Take care of yourself, and take care of the people around you. I hope they’re taking care of you, too.