From teacher to actor, from Shropshire to Ireland and India
Shropshire native Joanna Purslow spent twenty years as a primary school teacher in Shrewsbury. Then she decided to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a professional actor. Hear her story in this episode of Hello You.
‘A lot of people in our society don’t feel like they’re respected or valued’
Joanna’s taken a one-woman show to Edinburgh and to a remote area of India, where the action of the play takes place. She works with Hotbuckle Productions, touring stage adaptations of classic novels.
Saving the planet, one baby step at a time
As well as her theatre work, Joanna runs a Shrewsbury-based charity Baby Stop. It aims to support families and reduce waste by collecting and sharing baby products. Baby Stop’s next baby share is this weekend:
‘I’m incredibly proud of Shropshire’
So am I, for so many reasons. One is that there are so many amazing people here. I’ve got an ever-growing list of them, all of whom I hope to introduce to you on Hello You over the coming weeks.
Also, lots of people - particularly on Facebook - have suggested places I can go to sit on benches and record random conversations for future episodes of Hello You. My ideas notebook is absolutely bulging.
Trouble is, if I bring you one episode of Hello You the Shropshire podcast every week, I’ve already got enough ideas and prospects to keep me going until the summer. So I’d like to know what you think of this idea:
Two episodes of Hello You the Shropshire podcast every week
How would you feel about that? You’d also get the weekly Sunday Supplement newsletter, and (because someone said they felt short-changed when a Hello You episode turned out to be just a soundscape!) additional soundscape episodes from time to time. If you’re already as excited by the idea of more Hello You as I am, why not subscribe right now? And tell your friends about it, too?
There are people who really love the soundscapes, I could make them available to paid subscribers only. Would you be interested in that idea? Think of it as an investment in your emotional wellbeing …
Tell me what you think? Leave a comment, or message me direct?
Thank you for being there
Have the best weekend you possibly can. Take care of yourself, and the people around you. And those people had better be taking care of you, too!
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