‘If you find something you enjoy, you’ve got to hold on to it’
Nigel’s been listening to, and commenting on, Hello You since the very first episode. And now he gets one of his own! Take a listen and meet him for yourself.
I want to build a virtual summerhouse
But to do so, I need your knowledge and expertise with Facebook.
My idea is this: Create a Hello You hangout, so the Hello You family has somewhere to go online, and where we can invite our friends back to meet the family.
Should this be a Facebook Page, or a Facebook Group? What should I do, and not do, to make this fly?
If you’re a skilled or experienced Facebook user, can you give me some advice? What would you want from the Hello You Virtual Summerhouse?
I’m on the road again … (chooglin’, a la Canned Heat). On Friday July 12th, I’ll be sitting on a bench at the top of Pride Hill in Shrewsbury. Near the monument. Or if you prefer, between Greggs and Smiths. Under the trees, anyway.
I’ll be there from about 1pm, for about an hour. Come and say hello? I’ll record some conversations with whomsoever shares the bench with me, and you’ll hear them in a new episode the following Monday.
Tell your friends? And I’ll see you there!
Sharing is … y’know
Talking of telling your friends, could you share Hello You with your tribe, whoever they may be? Friends and family, colleagues and contacts, the people in your WhatsApp chats or Facebook groups? I’d be very grateful.
Like is lovely
And while you’re about it, could you smash the Like button wherever you see it? On socials or Substack, if you can click Like it gives me good feelings. And helps more people find Hello You, too. Which is cool.
Keep in touch?
Email me (just reply to this), comment anywhere you find this, message me on your social platform of choice … I’d love to hear from you.
Thank you for being there
Take care of yourself, and take care of the people around you.
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