Where might you find:
a Faerie Trail
a faerie to tell you about it
a House on Crutches
the Happy Bap
a hamster on a stick (pictured below)
a secret garden (also pictured further below, with its creator Whitty)
the British Champion Women’s Scyther
Derek (98) and Christmas lights (eventually)
the Badger Cavalry
and an astonishing number of former pubs?
Answer: In Bishop’s Castle, south Shropshire. Listen to this episode of Hello You to hear more about them all!
That’s where I sat on a bench to record this Bench episode of Hello You, on Saturday afternoon.
It was quite quiet at first … and then it really wasn’t!
I hope you enjoy this Hello You. If so, tell your friends about it? These buttons will make it easy:
Tell me what you think of it? And maybe suggest another bench where I could sit sometime?
There’ll be another Bench episode on Hello You, and some more fascinating local guest interviews, coming very soon! Subscribe so you don’t miss anything:
Take care of yourself, and the people around you. See you soon!
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